photos courtesy of Estella M. VanDerzee
Location of Historic Markers
- Gonzalez Home - Western Ave., north side, west of Potter Rd.
- Presbyterian Church - Charlton Rd., north side (at Freehold Church)
- Charlton Academy - Charlton Rd., north side, (near Freehold Church)
- Dr. Wm. Mead - Charlton Rd., south side, west of Jockey St.
- Jeremian Smith - Swaggertown Rd., east side, south of Charlton
- Wm. Clark - Jockey St., west side, north of Charlton Rd.
- Eli Northrup - Charlton Rd., north side, east of Maple Ave.
- Jesse Conde - Stage Rd., east side, south of Charlton Rd.
- Thomas Brown - Maple Ave., east side, north of Museum
- John W. Taylor - Charlton Rd., north side, west of Valentine Rd.
- Stage Run - Jockey St., west side, north of Charlton Rd.
- The Charlton School - Lake Hill Rd., at the Girls School
- Scotch Church - W. Charlton Church, Rts. 67 & 147
- Charlton Museum - Maple Ave., east side
- Harmony Corners - Peaceable St. & Rt. 67
- Slab (Little) Troy - Stage Rd., east side, south of Charlton Rd.